Will there be a babysitter available?

Yes! We are planning to cover a babysitter for the entire wedding day so all the parents can party! Please email us or leave us a note on your RSVP if you're interested.

Are there any other group trips planned within South Africa?

Absolutely! There will be a group of us going to visit Cape Town for several days directly after the wedding. Reach out to us if you want to stay connected and meet up!

Where do I RSVP?

You can RSVP right here on the website—simply go to the 'RSVP' page, or you can choose to fill in and return the RSVP card you will receive with your printed invitation. You'll find that in your mailbox soon!

What date should I RSVP by?

Please kindly RSVP by July 1st, 2025.

Have you reserved blocks of rooms at the lodge?

Absolutely! We have room blocks to accommodate all guests. Please take a look at the 'Accommodation' page on this website for more details.

Is there a dress code?

We will provide more information on dress code soon! Please check the 'Attire' section of the website.

Will there be meal options for guests with dietary restrictions or allergies?

Absolutely! Please note all dietary restrictions in your RSVP and we will make sure to accommodate them at all formal events.

Will the wedding be indoors or outdoors?

Most wedding events are planned to take place outdoors, with some possibly on unpaved ground. Bring your sunglasses, sunhats and those pretty-and-comfy flats!

Do we need to get any vaccines?

No specific vaccinations are required to enter South Africa. The Kruger National Park is however situated in a malaria risk area. It is important to note that the risk of malaria is usually low, even in the summer months. Please check with your doctor about whether you prefer to take malaria tablets, but do bring some mosquito repellant!

Do you have a wedding registry?

We're so thrilled that you're making the trip to the bush to share in our joy. Celebrating with you is already more than we can ask for, so, in lieu of gifts, bring your safari hat, hugging arms and dancing shoes.

Where will wedding updates be posted?

This website will always contain the most detailed information, and we will be updating it as we get closer to the wedding. We will also start a WhatsApp group for all guests right before we all travel so we can stay in touch and share updates in the moment!

Are we all taking photos at the wedding?

We are hoping to have an unplugged wedding, so please no photos! Our photographer and videographer will be capturing the entire celebration, and we will be delighted to share those photographs with you afterwards. There may also be instant cameras available for us all to take fun candids during the reception! ;)

Do I need to stay the entire weekend?

While we do hope you can join us all weekend, we understand if you’re unable. Please let us know what your plans are so we can coordinate excursions and dinners accordingly.